Online Training Success!

We Love Our Success Stories: Meet Hannah!

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“Before I met Stacie my workout routine was never planned out and somewhat routine. It became so routine that I never saw results of substituting unwanted fat for muscle and worst of all, I would notice a drop in my energy and stamina whenever I worked out!

This all changed when Stacie initiated me into the program!

The first thing we changed was going into the gym with a plan. The plan was to work on getting stronger, lose fat for muscle gains, and improve my stamina and running speed. This, along with a guided diet structure provided by Stacie, has allowed me to break out of my routine! Throughout the  8 weeks I noticed that I became  more focused going into the gym. I have greater energy and stamina that not only continues through the workout but throughout my work day as well. What was even more motivating was how fast I noticed muscle gains and fat loss with minimal weight and a change in reps and sets! Most amazing is that this transformation was done virtually! I don't think a YouTube workout could do what Stacie did for me! Stacie, being the awesome instructor she is, not only walked me

through each movement and corrected my form (all over web cam); her tenacity and patience allowed me to trust in the process as well as continue to improve on my growing results.

If you are wanting to break out of mundane routines and get results, I would strongly encourage you give Stacie a call!
But don't take my word for it, let my photo speak for itself."

- Hannah

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